Tibetan dark wood carved demon face. Circa 1900 4 1/4 inches high X 4 inches wide $35.00
Category: Tibetan
Tibetan Prayer Wheel Brass body with stones
Tibetan Prayer Wheel with brass body that has three Buddha figures. Top and body of wheel is set with turquoise and coral stones. Attached metal ball on handmade chain. Plain light wood handle. Circa 1920 8 1/4 inches $75.00
Tibetan Carved Bone Prayer Wheel
Tibetan carved bone Prayer Wheel, set with turquoise and coral on metal top and three metal bands of coral around the carved bone. Dark wood handle with three bands of three lines carved into it. Attached barrel-shape wood piece on chain. Circa 1930 9 3/8 inches $65.00
Tibetan-Nepal square copper Plaque W/Yama
Tibetan-Nepal square copper plaque that is chased and repoussé. In the center is Yama, King of the Dead surrounded by an arched flame design. 7 3/4 inches high X 6 inches wide $200.00
Tibetan-Nepal Square Copper Plaque
Tibetan-Nepal square copper plaque that is chased and repoussé. Center of plaque has a Mandala with designs around it. 8 inches high X 6 1/4 inches wide $200.00
Tibetan-Nepal Brass Lion set with Stones
Tibetan-Nepal small brass Lion set with turquoise and coral. Circa 1930 2 inches long X 1 7/8 inches high $25.00
Tibetan Copper Tall Horn
Tibetan copper tall horn with pull out extension. Metal decorations applied around the red body. Red material strip around the end of the extension that lengthens the horn. 19th century 40 3/8″ tall, when fully extended is 57 1/4″ $375.00
Tibetan Copper Dragon Head Horn
Tibetan copper dragon head horn with attached chain. 19th century 18 5/8 inches long $275.00
Tibetan Bronze God Face
Tibetan Bronze God face with detailed headdress. 18th-19th century 5 3/8 inches high X 4 inches wide $575.00
Tibetan-Nepal animal horn
Tibetan-Nepal animal horn with silver metal mounted fittings and silk cords with tassel. Circa 1920’s 8 1/2 inches long $150.00